One of your first employees. The goofy and cheerful one!
Strawberry will (try to) get along with most everyone
you come across. Outgoing and extroverted as hell,
her sunny spirits will draw in folks from all over.

The coolest kid on the block. Mint Chip works tirelessly
to maintain her veneer of RADICAL EPICNESS, but deep
down she's a pretty big softie. Please ask about
her skateboard!

Approach with caution. The bitter and merciless
younger sister of Chocolate. There's clearly a chip
on her shoulder about something, but she'll
trust hardly anyone with access to her vulnerable side.

The youngest and most easy-going of
the Chocolate sisters. A bit high maintenance, sort
of a micro-manager, but overall a calm personality.
She does her best to uphold positivity when her
sisters argue, but the stress eats at her in secret.

Bless this mess. Anxious, fidgety and a tad frightened.
Cookies and Cream will easily crumble at the
slightest bit of pressure. Her intentions are always
kind, but she can't help the fact that most people
feel vaguely uncomfortable around her.

The archetypal "Mama". A placid and calm fox,
but don't think her shy. She's unafraid to speak
her mind and will be quick to scold you
should you forget your manners.

Her motivations are a bit unclear, but she LOVES making
a casual nuisance of herself. Playful, mischievous, and
always on the look out for opportunities
to tease the everliving hell out of her favorite people.

She's a fox on the go. Business minded and no non-sense.
Mocha dislikes the word "workaholic", nor does
she like being called a "perfectionist". Why are you
wasting so much time thinking up weird nicknames?
Get back to work!

The stoic and strong bodyguard of
the Chocolate family. Fudge Brownie bears
a suspicious likeness to the three sisters
though her true origins remain a mystery.

Surprisingly cold considering her welcoming aura,
Apple Pie is notoriously stone-faced and hard to read.
She prizes tradition and order, but will be hospitable
to most anyone who shows up at her door.

This hip and quirky fox grew up in
the South before migrating to the city.
She says what she means and means
what she says and might often come across
as brash or impulsive, but truly she just
prioritizes a life of fun and luxury.

Keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle!
Part fox, part vampire, Strawberry Cheesecake is
an inherently dangerous person to keep as
an employee. Sure she can hypnotize people
into buying more ice cream... but the weird smell
coming from the back room wasn't there before...

Don't let that intimidating set of chompers scare
you off! Smore's is fairly easy to get along with...
well, most of the time.
Emotions flare easily with this one, the flames
that tip her tails are a reliable way to tell how she's doing.
If you can get on her good side, there's not
a lot she won't do for you.

The poisonous wallflower. Everything about
her screams "dead inside". Initially thorny towards
strangers, Red Velvet has a lot of passion
under that messy head of hair. Hides tattoos
that tell personal stories, maybe one day
she'll let you read them.

The klutz of the crew. She might be more
powerful than most of the others, but the stubbiness
of her tails causes a few motor function issues.
Her teeth are very sensitive to the cold, and she
has a low tolerance for sugary foods...
but she'll still try any new products you ask her to!

A local legend tells the story of a
beautiful bride whose life was taken
viciously on the day of her wedding.
A cold wind and the distinctive scent
of blooming lavender is all the
warning you get that she is near.